Mobile Application

10 Questions to Ask Before you Build a Mobile App for your Business

Is your mobile app development project intended to automate your recurring tasks or to optimize your business processes? Will it serve to retain your customers and offer them additional service?

Is creating your mobile application a growth lever for your business? Is it created for your customers, partners, and/or employees?

It is, therefore, not a project to be taken lightly. It will cost you a certain budget. Not to mention the time invested in carrying it out and the efforts in app store optimization.

In order to prevent mobile app development risks, you need a solid foundation.

With nearly a decade of experience, we have created a list of mobile app development questions that you need to consider before creating the prototype of your app and questions to ask when developing an app.

Question 1: What Will Your Application Be Used for?

There are as many ideas as possible mobile applications, that’s why it is necessary to define precisely the objectives that yours will have to fulfill vis-à-vis your target. Will your application be aimed at finding information, facilitating data entry, connecting people, playing games, or sharing information?

You must questions to ask when developing an app in order to find the most sought-after tool by your target. But also, so as not to end up drowned in the blinds because your idea already exists in dozens of other applications. This minimizes your mobile app development risks to quite an extent.

Mobile App Development

Question 2: Who Will Your Mobile Application Be Used for?

It is very important to collect the real issues of your audience in order to fully understand them. But above all, to meet its needs through your mobile application.

It is therefore essential to describe your target with the greatest care and as detailed as possible. Answer the following questions to help you:  Who? What? Or? How? What? When? Why?

These allow them to better understand their behaviour, needs, concerns, moods, etc. It is then easier to adapt the content and functionalities of your mobile application development project according to each profile.

The more you segment your target, the more personas you create. However, if you are just starting out, we recommend that you start with 2-3 personas. Do not spread yourself too thin at the risk of wasting time and money.

The two combined together – the persona of your ideal user and that of the user to avoid – then you have a target for your mobile project.

Question 3: What are the Benefits for My Business?

There are 2 main gains that can push you to build a mobile application for your business

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Development of your brand image – Your mobile application becomes the showcase of your business. It’s a good way to get people talking about you in the media.

Your mobile app not only helps rejuvenate your brand image is rejuvenated but also places your business earlier in the purchasing journey of your prospects. You adapt to their lifestyle; you are able to meet the new needs of your consumers.

Improve your productivity – A mobile application can bring many benefits to your business. And one of the main ones concerns the increased efficiency of your employees.

Certain factors influence this result:

  • Regular communication between employees: internal instant messaging, intranets or social CRMs
  • Ease in teamwork: communication leads to information sharing between employees. The more informed your teams are, the more quickly they can inform your customers, suppliers, and partners.

Due to the fact that your sales force is much more efficient in the field, the routes are then optimized, access to information is instantaneous. In short, everything is improved in order to save time and therefore money.

Question 4: What Type of Application to Choose?

It’s time to think about what kind of apps you will solve your customers’ problems. There are several possibilities: native mobile application, hybrid mobile application, or web applications.

A native mobile application is developed specifically for an operating system. As a rule, it is developed for the most popular systems: iOS for Apple Store, Android for Google Play, and Windows for Windows Store. The native application is therefore only available for download on these different mobile platforms. It offers functions that are specific to it and you have to invest in app store optimization.

A web application is available from the user’s web browser. It offers you many possibilities, particularly in terms of user management, for example, or the management of various information. It does not require data storage capacity on your phone or tablet. However, it also has some drawbacks. In particular by the fact that the user is often obliged to have an internet connection to use it.

A cross-platform mobile application is on the borderline between the web application and the native application. Only one version is developed for all platforms. It is a less expensive solution than the previous ones because its maintenance is simplified by the fact that you update only one version. But it also brings its share of disadvantages. The performance of the application will not be suitable for all mobile platforms, so it will be less stable. You will also be restricted in terms of functionality.

lets start your project

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