How Much it Would Cost to Develop a Fitness App?

Innovation is plainly beginning to be pushing us to be healthier and fitter with a booming mobile development industry, every smartphone user can do whatever he needs from the comfort of his home.
According to recent research, it has been found that the use of health and fitness apps have increased by 330% during the last few years. Furthermore, the report states that about 75% of the users go through the fitness apps at least twice a week and the rest 25% navigate these apps 10 times a week!
According to a study, the market associated with fitness apps is expected to grow up to $31 billion by 2020 from $10 billion as per research study.
It won’t be wrong to mention that the wearable devices such as the smartwatches and likewise other gadgets have also paved the way for an increment in the demand of such apps.
So, if you also keenly interested in getting developed a health and fitness app like Fitbit, then go on reading further. However, before that, we need to know two different types of health and fitness apps, there are many but here only covering two types.
- Apps for tracking activities
- Apps for physical workout and exercises
Activity Tracking App
As the name implies, it basically helps in tracking the physical activities of the individual such as walking, jogging, cycling, running, swimming and so on.
The motion sensors attached with the smartphone provides accurate data as to how much distance the user has covered while walking, running or cycling, the number of steps he has ascended, how much calories have been burnt in this process, etc. The users can set their own fitness activity regime based on the results of the data.
Apps for physical workout and exercises
These apps can perform the role of a gym instructor as they are developed for a similar purpose. Thus, they are more than useful for people who don’t have enough time to visit the gym due to a busy schedule.
All user needs to do is log in to your account and you can avail all information about the various weight training exercises and workout for stimulating the strength of the muscles.
In addition, if user wants to curb your weight, then this health and fitness app has been custom-made for you. You will get proper instructions on how to perform an exercise same and how to schedule a weight loss program.
Basic Features to include while developing Health and Fitness App
Health and fitness app development demand a high level of personalization. That’s why there should be an option to create a personal account. Various services either suggest logging in through social networks like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, etc. or signing up via email. Your future application should give users both opportunities, though. With the personal account created, all the data on the users’ progress won’t be stored on a single device solely.
Authorizing in an application via Facebook makes the search for friends much easier; thus, the application can combine some functions of a social network, the news feed, and do its main job, tracking. Many apps also allow users to publish their results on Facebook alongside the screenshots of routes they ran/cycled/walked, and upload photos made during the workout; the same will be reflected in the app feed line.
Personal Profile
There are several types of data that should be added manually at the start with his personal information such as his weight, height, age, gender body type, etc. the rest can be configured in settings.
Connecting with Wearable Device: It’s very important for a fitness app to be compatible with as many trackers as possible. Fortunately, wearable producers and mobile platforms give mobile fitness app developers such a chance to track their activities and exercise routines more easily.
Tracking Activity
Traditional fitness tracking applications are focused on activities like walking, running, cycling, and even swimming sometimes. The application normally shows the number of calories burnt, steps made, miles run, time taken, and so on and so forth. You can use both, tracking with the help of a Fitbit or using sensors of a smartphone.
Apart from that, the app will also show how much calories have been burnt, how much kilos or pounds have been reduced and many feet or centimeters the user’s height has increased.
Geo location
With this feature, a user can build walking routes, track his current position, and record workouts.
Push Notification
Sport is about regularity. A few missed workouts and you will lose your shape. That’s why reminders are very important when it comes to fitness and health app development. Although, they should not be annoying. In case the user is in poor health or very busy now, he should be capable of adjusting them. Time and frequency are the main variables here.
Video Tutorials
Adding some live streaming video tutorial option into the app such as offering important tips on how to work out on a part of the body or the correct method of doing pushups, then it will give you many added advantages.
The option of buying certain small gym equipment and supplementary health drinks will save their time by visiting other app and make the purchase.
Goals Setting
It’s one of the most recognizable features of activity tracking apps. Let users plan and set achievable (maybe not) goals, they should constantly move forward and develop.
While working on your idea, don’t forget that the key to the success of any fitness or healthcare app development is users’ engagement and motivation. And Visualization is an important part of this process. That is why you need to provide a user with detailed analytics and reports.

Once you’ve decided what type of a fitness and healthcare app you want to create, you will need to find and contact a reliable and experienced fitness app developer which will deliver your app wasting no time.
- Idea analyzing
- Rough Estimate
- Planning
- Developing and testing
- Launch of app
Our team has proven experience in building complex mobile and web solutions in different niches, including health and fitness.
We know that the first question that concerns you the post is the price of your application. Yet, due to a variety of app types and features which you can include there, it’s difficult to tell you the cost.
If you are looking to develop a similar app for health and fitness domain, then you are at the right place, contact us today!