When trying to push Docker images to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), but without correct authentication, you get the "no basic auth credentials" error. DevOps services with error means the Docker client isn't authenticated with AWS ECR.
Typically this happens because the Docker Client is not communicating with aws ecr correctly, leading to an outdated authentication method (or), an expired session, or incorrect AWS credentials. When you attempt a Docker push to AWS ECR, it is made through basic authentication, so when you attempt to do this without proper authentication, AWS ECR denies the Docker push request and returns the error "no basic auth credentials".
However, get-login is deprecated as of July 2021. If you're using AWS CLI version 2, then use get-login-password instead of get-login:
Authenticate Docker with AWS ECR for AWS CLI v1
If you using AWS CLI version 1, use the below command to authenticate Docker client
$(aws ecr get-login --region <your_region>)
Authenticate Docker with AWS ECR for AWS CLI v2
If you using AWS CLI version 2, use the below command to authenticate Docker client
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<your_region>.amazonaws.com
Push Your Docker Image
Once authenticated, you're all set! Now you can push your Docker image
docker push <your_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<your_region>.amazonaws.com/repository-name:tag
In case the “no basic auth credentials” error happens, it is important to authenticate Docker correctly with the correct AWS CLI version. DevOps Engineer set up a secure connection by following the new commands for CLI v1 or v2. But after you’ve been authenticated, you can push Docker images to AWS ECR without any issues.
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