Auto-scaling groups in AWS EC2 enable dynamic scaling of resources based on demand. This ensures that your application can handle traffic spikes while optimizing costs by scaling down during low usage.
1. Create a Launch Template
Go to the EC2 Dashboard → Launch Templates → Create Launch Template.
Define instance configuration, including AMI, instance type, security groups, and key pair.
2. Set Up an Auto-Scaling Group
Navigate to Auto Scaling → Create Auto Scaling Group.
Link the launch template to the group.
Define VPC and subnets for the group.
3. Configure Scaling Policies
Add a target tracking policy (e.g., maintain CPU usage at 50%).
Example policy:
Scale out when CPU > 70% for 2 minutes.
Scale in when CPU < 30% for 5 minutes.
4. Add Health Checks
Use EC2 or Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) health checks to replace unhealthy instances automatically.
An Auto-Scaling Group helps ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and cost optimization for your EC2-based applications. Properly configuring scaling policies enables seamless handling of fluctuating workloads.
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