
Flutter Reusable Custom Widgets

Flutter widgets are the custom made components in flutter that make the code more cleaner, more efficient and more scalable. Custom widgets mean flexibility, no copy-paste code, better app maintainability, and a clear sense of how the application will look like.

Advantages of using Reusable Custom widgets

  1. Code Reusability: Saves from repetition because it is easier to use ready-made UI elements stored within a single file.

  2. Maintainability: Ideally to handle changes when the UI is defined in one widget rather than scattered all over the application.

  3. Consistency: Prevents inconsistency in the design by implementing the same widget all through the application.

  4. Modularization: Flutter developers code into more logical parts because components of UI will be grouped into separate blocks.Faster Development: Can increase the development speed by the usage of some pre defined parts.

Steps to Create a Reusable Custom Widget

  1. Common UI elements that are used repeatedly all over the app (e.g., buttons, cards text fields, dropdown, etc).
  2. Create a stateless or stateful widget to define the UI components.
  3.  Pass parameters to the custom widget to make it flexible (e.g., onPressed functions, label text, colors, etc).

Example: Reusable Custom Button Widget

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; // Define a reusable custom button widget class CustomButton extends StatelessWidget {   final String name;   final VoidCallback onPressed;   final Color color;   // custom properties sonstructor   CustomButton({     required this.name,     required this.onPressed,     this.color = Colors.green,   });    @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return ElevatedButton(       onPressed: onPressed,       child: Text(name),     );   } } void main() {   runApp(MyFlutterApp()); } class MyFlutterApp extends StatelessWidget {   @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return MaterialApp(       home: Scaffold(         appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Custom Button Example')),         body: Center(           child: CustomButton(             name: 'Button Click',             onPressed: () {              },           ),         ),       ),     );   } }

Key Features in This Example

  • Customization: The CustomButton uses the onPressed functions, label text, and colors as parameters to make it reusable & flexible.
  • Default Values: The color parameter has a default value (Colors.green) but can be overridden when used.

Final Thoughts

Reusable custom widgets in Flutter development make it easy to create a clean and organized app. By turning repeated UI elements into custom widgets, you can simplify your code, make it easier to manage, and speed up development.

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