Flutter has gained popularity due to its efficiency in creating high performing fluid applications for both web and mobile. But for example, if the application performs calculations or processes files with large amounts of data, it may freeze or choke the UI. This is so because Flutter's UI thread, which is used for rendering the interface, may get blocked for some time. To address this problem, Flutter provides Isolates as a means of doing heavy lifting outside the primary thread. Here, I will explain how isolates function and how best to implement them to guarantee that a page is 'always-on' and responsive.
When an app freezes or becomes slow, users are very eager to drop the app in favor of other ones. This is especially true about apps that contain realtime processing of the data and files manipulations and computational actions such as image change and JSON parsing.
In the specifics of using a framework, many developers fail to consider the proper ways of offloading all these tasks. When using threads or completely relying on the UI thread, performance drops resulting in a poor performance level.
Understanding and leveraging isolates in Flutter can help developers:
isolation is the mechanism Flutter uses to deal with concurrency Isolates. Unlike many threads of many programming languages, isolates have their own storage and do not share mutable state with the main thread or with any other isolate. Inter isolated communication occurs through messaging.
Flutter’s main isolate executes the app’s UI thread and any synchronization call on this thread slows it down. This way, instead of overloading it with heavyweight tasks, other isolates of the machine are used therefore preserving the UI thread.
Here’s how we can effectively use isolates in our Flutter application:
1. Using the compute Function Flutter has laid down the compute function to make the create Function for isolate creation simple. It is a helper function which creates another isolate, performs the given task and then passes the result back to the main isolate.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
// A heavy computation function
int fibonacci(int n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
// Using compute
Future<void> calculateFibonacci() async {
int result = await compute(fibonacci, 40);
print('Fibonacci result: $result');
2. Manually Managing Isolates For more complex tasks, we might need to create and manage isolates directly.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
// The entry function for the isolate
void isolateEntry(SendPort sendPort) {
int result = heavyComputation();
int heavyComputation() {
// Perform heavy task here
return 42;
Future<void> runIsolate() async {
// Create a ReceivePort to communicate with the isolate
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
// Spawn the isolate
await Isolate.spawn(isolateEntry, receivePort.sendPort);
// Listen for messages from the isolate
final result = await receivePort.first;
print('Result from isolate: $result');
3. Using the Isolate API for Bidirectional Communication For more advanced scenarios, we may need two way communication between the main thread and the isolate.
Future<void> biDirectionalIsolate() async {
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawn((SendPort sendPort) {
final replyPort = ReceivePort();
replyPort.listen((message) {
if (message is int) {
sendPort.send(message * 2);
}, receivePort.sendPort);
final sendPort = await receivePort.first as SendPort;
final responsePort = ReceivePort();
final result = await responsePort.first;
print('Doubled result: $result');
Isolates are well developed in Flutter, allowing dealing with intensive tasks without having an effect on the app’s performance. Thus, knowing when and how to employ isolates would certainly improve our application’s performance and usability. From basic operations involving compute to bidirectional communication, isolates offer the ability to designers to create superior apps. So, the next time if we face a problem of a bottleneck in our application built in Flutter, think about using isolates to continue running the UI.
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