The Singleton design pattern is a design solution and challenge for designing a class with a sole instance, allowing global access to that instance. It assists in scenarios such as resource management but has its disadvantages. One shouldn't take Singleton for granted.
Singletons merge into global objects and can lead to erratic behaviour in the larger application. The state is identical throughout the entire application, causing unpredictabilities from changes in one application part to another area. This isn't helpful for debugging, as it makes the tracing of bugs even harder.
Example: Suppose it is a Singleton object, managing the user session and suddenly, some part of the application becomes responsible for changing session data randomly. then the entire application's behaviour would depend on that session.
Singletons introduce a phenomenon of tight coupling between the components and a global state dependency. All of them make things hard to test. For example, without the whole apparatus of making complex structures, such as dependency injection or mocks, it is possible to create testing of services with such a singleton instance, for example: DatabaseManager Singleton used by many services.
Singletons can put an independent restriction on your application's architecture. For instance, substituting alternative implementations would rather be difficult (e.g. mocking for tests or swapping implementations for different environments).
Example: Using a logger singleton for particular logging cases requires too much effort to shift to another logging method.
It is easy to use a Singleton without totally understanding and realizing its impact on application classes. One class for example, may depend on a Singleton without the dependency being stated in the class's initializer or any of its methods.
Example: When a NotificationManager Singleton is used within more than one view model, it is much harder to tell which components consume this service, leading to less calling independent code.
Singletons live as long as the application lives, creating scope for memory leaks in their use of an object with strong references to other objects.
Example: A demo is shown, in which a singleton holds a reference to either a delegate or closure to other objects. In this way, those may not ever get deallocated, causing memory leaks.
If a singleton is not designed carefully, it can lead to race conditions or thread safety problems in a multithreaded environment.
Example: If several threads access a Singleton's properties at the same time and switch their values, it will behave unpredictably or crash unless there are appropriate synchronization mechanisms (like locks).
Singletons disadvantage with reason but that does not negate their usefulness because they can be applied with judiciousness. Following are the best practices to mitigate the downsides that are caused due to Singletons:
Offering ease in access and convenience occupied significant trade offs in the maintainability, testability and scalability of the Singleton pattern. Overuse or misuse leads to non coupled codes between each other's dependencies and creates false problems for which there are no simple test methods to identify.
To be sure, this kind of development must turn around the critical lighthouse that is the Singleton because it is a question of whether that is the right answer to your problem. In a lot of cases, it might just as well be dependency injection, protocol oriented programming or factory patterns. When weighing the options, you can design your architecture between easy and long term maintainability.
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