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React Native

Build a single-slider with an interactive item selector using Flatlist


Lists are a cornerstone feature in various applications, from productivity tools to all apps. In this guide, we’ll walk through building a single-slider in React Native that allows users to select hours, minutes, and seconds using scrollable lists powered by FlatList. We’ll also include a reset button to restore the List to its default state. We are going to take the Time Selector example for further explanation.


What is Flatlist?

A FlatList is a React Native component used to efficiently render large lists of data. It is a very optimized component meant for scrolling through a large number of items in a performant way, especially when compared to using traditional components like ScrollView.


Key Features of FlatList:

1. Efficient Rendering:

  • Renders only the items currently visible on the screen, plus a few buffer items, which helps optimize performance and memory usage.

2. Virtualized List:

  • Implements virtualization, meaning it dynamically removes items from memory that are not visible.

3. Customizable Rendering:

  • You can control how each item is displayed using the renderItem prop.
  • Supports custom key extraction using the keyExtractor prop.

4. Performance Optimizations:

  • It supports features like lazy loading, item recycling, and view recycling.

5. Scrolling:

  • Built-in support for horizontal and vertical scrolling.

6. Flexibility:

  • Built-in support for horizontal and vertical scrolling.


Why Use FlatList?

  • Memory Efficiency: It can handle large datasets without consuming much memory because it renders only visible items.
  • Smooth Scrolling: It ensures that lists with a lot of data scroll smoothly.
  • Ease of Use: Offers a declarative API to create and customize lists.
  • Infinite Scrolling and Pagination: Facilitates simple implementation of infinite scrolling, loading more items as the user scrolls.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Seamlessly works with both iOS and Android platforms.


What We’ll Cover in Time Selector?

  1. Setting up scrollable lists for selecting hours, minutes, and seconds.
  2. Managing the selected values dynamically.
  3. Adding a reset button that clears the timer and resets the lists.
  4. Displaying the selected time and its total in seconds.

Feature Highlights

  1. Custom Timer Selector:

    • Users can set hours, minutes, and seconds using scrollable lists.

    • Each list is built using a FlatList component with smooth scrolling and snapping to intervals.

  2. Real-Time Feedback:

    • The selected values are displayed dynamically.

    • The total time is calculated in seconds.

  3. Reset Timer Functionality:

    • A dedicated "Reset" button reverts the timer to its initial state.

    • The timer lists scroll back to the top automatically.


Step 1: Project Setup

Before diving into the code, ensure you have a React Native project set up. You can create a new project using the following command:

npx react-native init TimerApp


Step 2: Manage States and refs

const [hours] = useState(Array.from({ length: 23 }, (_, i) => i + 1));const [minutes] = useState(Array.from({ length: 59 }, (_, i) => i + 1));const [seconds] = useState(Array.from({ length: 59 }, (_, i) => i + 1));const [selectedHour, setSelectedHour] = useState(1);const [selectedMinute, setSelectedMinute] = useState(1);const [selectedSecond, setSelectedSecond] = useState(1);const hourRef = useRef(null);const minutesRef = useRef(null);const secondsRef = useRef(null);


Step 3: Creating the Timer UI

The timer will consist of three scrollable lists—one each for hours, minutes, and seconds. We’ll use the FlatList component for smooth scrolling and snapping.

Here’s the structure of our timer UI:


const Header = () => { return ( <View style={styles.header}> <Text style={styles.headerText}>Set Timer</Text> <TouchableOpacity onPress={resetTimer} style={styles.resetButton}> <Text style={styles.resetText}>Reset</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ); }; 


 <View style={styles.timerBox}> <Text style={styles.hourMinuteText}>Hour</Text> <View style={styles.listContainer}> <FlatList ref={hourRef} data={hours} renderItem={renderTimer} getItemLayout={getItemLayout} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} decelerationRate="fast" snapToInterval={60} snapToAlignment="center" onScroll={handleScroll(setSelectedHour, hours.length, 'hour')} initialScrollIndex={selectedHour - 1} onScrollToIndexFailed={(info) => { console.warn("Scroll to index failed", info); }} /> </View> </View> Create same Flatlist for Minutes and Seconds same as Hour

Show Result:  <View style={{

height: 120, width: deviceWidth}}> <View style={styles.timeContainer}> <Text style={styles.timeText}>Hours : {selectedHour}</Text> </View> <View style={styles.timeContainer}> <Text style={styles.timeText}>Minutes : {selectedMinute}</Text> </View> <View style={styles.timeContainer}> <Text style={styles.timeText}>Seconds : {selectedSecond}</Text> </View> <View style={{ height: 2, width: deviceWidth, backgroundColor: 'lightgrey' }} /> <View style={styles.timeContainer}> <Text style={styles.timeText}>Total Seconds : {timeToSeconds(selectedHour, selectedMinute, selectedSecond)}</Text> </View></View> 

Each list is bound to a FlatList component and dynamically updates the selected value based on user interaction. You can modify your Stylesheet As your requirements

Step 4: Manage Scroll and Time Modification functions

// Scroll all three FlatList components to the top.const scrollToTop = () => { hourRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 }); minutesRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 }); secondsRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 });};// Handle scroll and update state values.const handleScroll = (setSelected, dataLength, type) => (event) => { const offsetY = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y; const index = Math.round(offsetY / 60); // Assuming 60 is the item height. if (index >= 0 && index < dataLength) { setSelected(index + 1); // +1 assuming your data starts from 1, not 0. }};const checkRange = (item) => (item > 9 ? item : '0' + item);// Renders a single timer item.const renderTimer = ({ item }) => ( <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.7} style={styles.timerItem}> <Text style={styles.timerText}>{checkRange(item)}</Text> </TouchableOpacity>);// Used to optimize FlatList by providing the exact height of a single item and the offset of that item.const getItemLayout = (_, index) => ({ length: 60, // Assuming 60 is the item height. offset: 60 * index, index,});// Returns a separator element that is used to separate the hours, minutes, seconds in the timer.const Separator = () => ( <View style={styles.separator}> <Text style={styles.mark}>:</Text> </View>);// Converts a given time in hours, minutes, and seconds to the total number of seconds.const timeToSeconds = (hours, minutes, seconds) => { return hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;};// Resets the timer to the starting state by scrolling all three FlatList components to the top and setting the hours, minutes, and seconds to 1.const resetTimer = () => { scrollToTop(); setSelectedHour(1); setSelectedMinute(1); setSelectedSecond(1);}; 

You can also add reset timer feature as needed const resetTimer = () => {

// Scroll all lists to the top hourRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 }); minuteRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 }); secondRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ animated: true, index: 0 }); // Reset selected values setSelectedHour(1); setSelectedMinute(1); setSelectedSecond(1); // Show a toast notification Toast.show('Timer reset successfully!', Toast.SHORT);};


This tutorial explains how to make a custom timer with a reset functionality in React Native. The application offers a smooth user-friendly interface and real-time updates. This feature can be extended further to add a countdown or alert when the timer reaches zero.


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