React Native

Resolving Background Bluetooth Scanning Inconsistencies in iOS


BLE scanning is one of the most important features of many mobile applications as it allows providing functionalities that include device detection and interaction in the proximity mode. Background BLE scanning on iOS is not always reliable due to certain platform limitations, including restrictions on background tasks. In This, we will focus on resolving these inconsistencies when using a custom native BLE implementation in React Native.


iOS imposes strict policies for background operations to preserve battery life and system performance. These restrictions can lead to challenges, such as:

  1. Scanning Pauses: BLE scanning may stop when the app transitions to the background.

  2. Delayed Device Discovery: Background scanning may result in delayed detection of peripherals.

  3. Application State Issues: The app may fail to handle BLE events consistently across different states (foreground, background, inactive).

Addressing these issues is critical for delivering a seamless user experience, especially for apps relying heavily on BLE functionality.

Challenges with Background BLE Scanning on iOS

iOS allows BLE scanning in the background but with limitations:

  • Bluetooth State Management: The app must handle CBCentralManager state changes effectively.
  • Background Mode Configuration: The app must declare the Bluetooth-central background mode in its capabilities.

Best Practices for Background BLE Scanning

Enable Background Modes

To enable background BLE scanning:

  1. Open your app's Xcode project.
  2. Go to the Capabilities tab.
  3. Enable the Background Modes capability.
  4. Check Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories.
@objc func initializeBLE() { if centralManager == nil { var dic: [String: Any] = Dictionary() dic[CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey] = false dic[CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey] = "com.yourbundleid" // Replace with your bundle ID centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: dic) }}@objc func startScanning() { print("Starting BLE scan") centralManager?.scanForPeripherals( withServices: [CBUUID(string: "YOUR UNIQUE SERVICE UUID")], // Replace with your service UUID options: [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: false] )}@objc func stopScanning() { print("Stopping BLE scan") centralManager?.stopScan()}func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String: Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) { print("Discovered device: \( ?? "Unknown")") if UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .background { print("Handling device discovery in background") stopScanning() startScanning() }}func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, willRestoreState dict: [String: Any]) { print("Restoring BLE state") if let peripherals = dict[CBCentralManagerRestoredStatePeripheralsKey] as? [CBPeripheral] { for peripheral in peripherals { print("Restored peripheral: \( ?? "Unknown")") centralManager?.connect(peripheral, options: nil) } }}



Resolving background BLE scanning inconsistencies on iOS requires careful management of system constraints, app state transitions, and Bluetooth events. By implementing best practices like enabling background modes, using periodic scanning, and handling state restoration, and starting the scan again on background on discover method you can deliver a reliable BLE experience.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Enable the Bluetooth LE Accessories background mode.
  2. Periodically start and stop scanning based on app state.
  3. Handle app state changes to adapt BLE behaviour dynamically.
  4. Leverage state restoration to resume scanning after app termination.

With these optimizations, your React Native app can achieve consistent BLE scanning in the background, enhancing user experience and functionality.

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