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React Native

Understanding the React Native Hermes Engine


One of the biggest challenges faced during mobile development is concerning performance, particularly while rendering and executing JavaScript work. The performance concern led Facebook to introduce an open-source JavaScript engine, Hermes, which is optimized for the execution of React Native applications and specifically designed and optimized for running on top of Android. This open-source JavaScript engine by Hermes mainly focuses on the enhancement of performance to reduce memory consumption and ensure a better startup time-which is an important tool for developers on their journey towards a smooth, silky user experience.


React Native applications can sometimes suffer from performance issues, especially when dealing with complex UIs or heavy computational tasks. These issues often manifest as:

- Slow Startup Time: The time taken to load the JavaScript bundle can be substantial.

- Memory Consumption: React Native apps may use more memory than necessary, leading to lag and crashes.

- JavaScript Execution Speed: Inefficiencies in how JavaScript is executed can slow down app responsiveness.


Hermes addresses these challenges by providing a lightweight engine that compiles JavaScript into bytecode ahead of time (AOT), resulting in faster execution and lower memory overhead.

1: Setting Up Your React Native Project with Hermes

To enable Hermes in a new or existing React Native project, follow these steps:


1. Create a New React Native Project (if you don't have one):


npx react-native init MyHermesAppcd MyHermesApp


2. Open the android/app/build.gradle file and locate the `project.ext.react` section. Modify it to enable Hermes:


project.ext.react = [ enableHermes: true, //Enable Hermes ]


3. Install Hermes dependencies:

   Ensure you have the latest dependencies. In your Android directory, run:


./gradlew clean


4. Rebuild the project:

   After making these changes, rebuild your Android app to apply the changes.


npx react-native run-android

2: Verifying Hermes is Enabled

To verify that Hermes is enabled, check the logs in your terminal after running your app. Look for messages indicating that Hermes is being used.

You can also verify by inspecting the JavaScript runtime in the React Native Debugger. If Hermes is running, you will notice a significant performance improvement in the debugging tools.

3: Testing Performance Improvements

You can measure performance improvements using tools like Flipper or by utilizing built-in React Native performance monitoring. Here's a simple example to test startup time:



import { useEffect } from 'react';import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; const App = () => { const start = Date.now();  useEffect(() => { const duration = Date.now() - start; console.log(`App loaded in ${duration} ms`); }, []);  return ( <View> <Text>Hello, Oneclick!</Text> </View> );} export default App; 


Hermes represents a significant step forward for React Native developers, particularly for those focusing on Android applications. The performance gains, reduced memory footprint, and quicker startup times can enhance user experiences dramatically. However, it's essential to consider the trade-offs, such as potentially increased build time during development due to AOT compilation.

In my experience, integrating Hermes has led to smoother applications and happier users. It’s a tool that should be part of every React Native developer's toolkit, especially for production apps. For developers working on complex applications or those needing to support low-end devices, Hermes can be a game changer. As always, testing is crucial; be sure to profile your application to fully understand the benefits in your specific context.

By leveraging Hermes, we can build faster, more efficient applications that can meet the demands of today’s mobile users.


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