In React, useState updates are asynchronous, meaning they won't immediately reflect changes within the same synchronous block of code. If you try to read the updated state immediately after calling the setter, you will still see the previous state value.
Before that, we have to know closure, a closure in JavaScript is a function that "remembers" the variables from the outer scope where it was created, even after that outer function has finished executing. This means a function can access variables from its surrounding scope, even when it is called outside of that scope.
The main issue isn't just the asynchronous nature of state updates, but the fact that functions rely on the current closures they were created with. State updates only take effect in the next rerender, during which new closures are created. Until then, existing closures continue to use the old state values. In the current scenario,
console.log(result); //result will NOT be updated
To act as a state update, you should use the useEffect hook with dependency.
}, [result]);
However, to merge the new response with existing values, use the callback syntax for updating the state, along with the appropriate spread syntax, like this:
setResult(prev => ([...prev, ...result]);
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