
Difference Between Promises and Observables in Angular

In modern web applications developed on Angular, two well-known terms used to manage asynchronous operations are Promises and Observables. Both are concerned with asynchronous streams of data, although they differ considerably regarding characteristics, advantages, and use. In this regard, we shall discuss the differences between Promises and Observables so that we may learn when to use which.

What is a Promise?

A Promise is an object, and when created delivers a signal when it completes or reaches an error during an asynchronous operation, providing the resulting value. Promises are important to JavaScript, while Angular employs them to perform asynchronous operations, such as HTTP requests.

Key Features of Promises

1. One Value: A Promise can only have only one value. If it has resolved to either the resolved or rejected state, then it can no longer be changed.

2. Immediate Execution: Promises are executed immediately when they are created. If you create a Promise, it begins running immediately.

3. Chaining: .then() and .catch() support chaining for "staggering" the execution of asynchronous tasks.

4. Error Handling: When using Promises, error handling is built into the function. You can catch errors using catch(). This greatly simplifies failure management.

Example of a Promise

const fetchData = () =>return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    setTimeout(() => {      const data = "Data fetched successfully!";      resolve(data);    }, 2000);  });};fetchData()  .then(data => console.log(data))  .catch(error => console.error(error)); In this example, fetchData simulates an asynchronous operation that resolves with data after a delay.

What are Observables?

As the library of ReactiveX is highly used by Angular through RxJS, the concept for which is observables is a more powerful abstraction. It is powerful in that it lets you work with data coming over time. This means that scenarios involving the handling of more than one value and events are well feasible.

Key Features of Observables

1.  Multiple values: Observables can emit more than one value over time. That is, they can be regarded as a stream of data that can be observed.

2. Lazy Evaluation: Observables evaluate lazily, meaning they do not begin execution unless you explicitly tell them to. This gives the developer more control over when execution happens.

3. Operators: Observables contain a rich set of operators (like map, filter, merge) to create all sorts of complicated data transformations and compositions.

4. Cancellation: You can easily unsubscribe from an Observable, which means you can clean up resources as well as other things that prevent memory leaks.

4. ngAfterContentInit (Content Projection Initialization)

This hook runs after Angular has rendered external content into your component (using <ng-content>). It is helpful when dynamically working with content projection.


Handling everything relating to projection, such as accessing the projected elements.

export class MyComponent implements AfterContentInit {  ngAfterContentInit() {    console.log("Content projection initialized");  }}

5. ngAfterContentChecked (Change Detection of Content Projection)

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';const fetchData = () => {    return new Observable(subscriber => {        setTimeout(() => {  "Data fetched successfully!");            subscriber.complete();        }, 2000);    });};const observable = fetchData();const subscription = observable.subscribe({    next(data) {        console.log(data);    },    complete() {        console.log("Fetch complete");    }});// unsubscribe latersubscription.unsubscribe();

In this example, fetchData returns an Observable that emits a value after a delay. You can subscribe to it, receive updates, and unsubscribe when necessary.

Key Differences Between Promises and Observables

Type of Value Promises: Single value Observables: Multiple values


Promises: Eager (executes on the fly)

Observables: Lazy (executes on subscribe)


Promises: .then() for chaining

Observables: Operators for transformation

Error Handling

Promises: .catch() for error handling

Observables: Errors can be caught in the subscription


Promises: Once started cannot be canceled out

Observables:Can be unsubscribed to prevent its execution

When to Use Promises vs. Observables

Use Promises When:

- You're dealing with a single asynchronous operation that returns a single value.

- You need something simpler than streams for managing asynchronous work without all the complexity.

- It does not use canceling or multiple values with your use case.

Use Observables When:

- You have multiple values arriving over time, such as user input from keyboard events, messages arriving over a WebSocket, or real-time data feeds.

- You need support for cancellation for effective resource management.

- You need to exploit a comprehensive set of operators for data stream transformation and composition.


Understand or know how to discern the difference between Promises and Observables is one strict requirement to be a good Angular developer. Though Promises are more straightforward and fitting for single asynchronous operations, Observables fit better to complex data streams. Proper tool choice for your specific application really can take the performance and maintainability of your Angular applications to a whole new level fetching data from an API to listening to user events. Mastering these concepts will empower you to create more responsive and efficient applications.

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