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React useEffect Hook: The Modern Way to Handle Lifecycle Events

React Hooks, released with React 16.8, have revolutionized the way code is written by developers, providing a great way to share stateful behavior between components. One of the most used Hooks is the useEffect Hook, which allows developers to handle side effects in functional components and mimic the behavior of lifecycle methods present in class components.

Overview of Lifecycle Methods

React lifecycle methods control component behavior at various steps, from mounting through to unmounting. Familiarity with these methods is the foundation for constructing high-quality React applications.


Transition to useEffect Hook

The useEffect Hook makes it easy to work with side effects in functional components, an improvement from class component lifecycle methods to hooks. The hook combines the features of multiple lifecycle methods into a more cohesive and effective means of controlling side effects.


In functional components, the useEffect Hook can emulate the behavior of standard lifecycle methods because it's called after each component render and is able to carry out any side effect, such as changing the DOM or getting data from an API. Through the use of the second argument of the useEffect Hook, you can make it so it will be invoked on certain dependencies.


How to use useEffect

Here’s how useEffect can be used to mimic different lifecycle methods:

componentDidMount equivalent: In class components, componentDidMount() is called after the component is mounted to the DOM. To run useEffect only once (when a component is mounted), set an empty array as a hook dependency:

useEffect(() => { // ComponentDidMount code }, []);


componentDidUpdate equivalent: To have useEffect run when the component is updated (including mounting), you need to set at least one variable as the hook's dependency. If no dependency is passed, the useEffect Hook will still work as the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method.

useEffect(() => { // componentDidUpdate code }, [var1, var2]);


If the useEffect has no dependencies, then the callback function constantly executes whenever the component updates:

useEffect(() => { // side-effects code here... })


componentWillUnmount equivalent: To have this hook run when the component is unmounted, you need to return a function from the hook. If you want the cleanup function to run only when the component has unmounted, set an empty array. If you set one or more variables in the dependency array, cleanup will run at every re-render

useEffect(() => { return () => { // componentWillUnmount code } }, []);


All three combined

useEffect(() => { // componentDidMount code + componentDidUpdate code return () => { // componentWillUnmount code } }, [var1, var2]);



Syntax and Structure Class components are often bulkier due to their method structure and this keyword usage, while functional components with Hooks are leaner and easier to read, especially for managing state and side effects.


Separation of Concerns In class components, different lifecycle methods handle distinct phases (mounting, updating, unmounting). With Hooks, the useEffect hook consolidates all side effects, making the flow easier to follow and reducing code duplication.


Reusability Class components often require higher-order components (HOCs) or render props for reusability. Hooks can be reused easily through custom hooks, offering greater flexibility and composability.


React's transition from class-based lifecycle methods to Hooks is a shift towards a more declarative and modular approach to building user interfaces. With Hooks, managing component behavior becomes simpler, reducing the need for boilerplate code while enhancing readability and reusability. Mastering both approaches equips developers to write scalable and maintainable applications in any development environment


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